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433340 Lovibond | Máy so màu Gardner mẫu Lecithin AF337

(1 đánh giá)


Anh Quốc

12 tháng

HSX: Lovibond UK

Hotline: 0986.817.366 Mr.Việt

433340 Lovibond | Máy so màu Gardner mẫu Lecithin AF337

HSX: Lovibond Anh Quốc

Model : AF 334

Measure Colour to Gardner Scale (ASTM D1544, ISO 4630) 1 - 18 Units

Self-Contained Kit to Measure Gardner Colour
Fast, Economical & Portable Visual Matching
Two-Field Vision for Accurate Results
Ability to Guarantee Constant Lighting Conditions

The Two-Field Comparator 2000+ is the easiest way for you to measure against the Gardner Scale and show compliance to standards. It is a useful Quality Control instrument for in-coming and out-going goods. Reliable and repeatable colour test results are key to ensuring final product quality and minimising production costs.

Gardner Colour (ASTM D 1544, ASTM D 6166, AOCS Td 1a, MS 817 Part 10, ISO 4630:2015)

Cung cấp nguyên set:

1 x Lovibond 2000+ Comparator
1 x Comparator Daylight 2000+
1 x 4/30AS Gardner Scale Disc
1 x 4/30BS Gardner Scale Disc
2 x W680.OG.10mm Cell

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