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79444 HAMILTON Cột sắc ký HPLC phân tích Flavonoids 150 x 4.1 mm PRP-1, 5 µm

(1 đánh giá)


Hamilton Thụy Sỹ

HSX: Hamilton - Thụy Sỹ



Hotline: 0986.817.366 Mr.Việt

79444 HAMILTON Cột sắc ký HPLC phân tích Flavonoids 150 x 4.1 mm PRP-1, 5 µm

HSX: Hamilton / Thụy Sỹ

Code: 79444

PRP-1 columns have inherent reversed-phase separation qualities that eliminate the requirement for a stationary phase coating. Hydrolysis of the stationary phase coating is often the limiting factor in column lifetime, so the lack of coating on the PRP-1 resin extends the longevity of the column. PRP-1 also have exceptional sample recovery (≥ 95%).

Application Examples: Organic compounds: small molecules (< 2,000 mw), pharmaceuticals, steroids, nucleic acids, vitamins, herbicides.

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