0986.817.366 Mr.Việt

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Cốc đốt thấp thành Rasotherm (Glass beaker)

(1 đánh giá)


HSX: Rasotherm/Đức

Thể tích cốc từ 5m - 500ml

Hotline: 0986.817.366 Mr.Việt

Cốc đốt thấp thành beaker) Rasotherm

Xuất xứ: Đức

Cốc thủy tinh, có mỏ rót, từ 5ml đến 5000ml.

Vật liệu: Thủy tinh Borosilicate 3.3

Chịu nhiệt cao & hóa chất tốt.

Dùng trong phòng thí nghiệm, đựng mẫu, hóa chất,...

Thông tin đặt hàng

RA.93206003 Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 25 ml
RA.93206004 Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 50 ml
RA.93206005 Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 100 ml
RA.93206006 Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 150 ml
RA.93206007 Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 250 ml
RA.93206008 Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 400 ml
RA.93206009 Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 600 ml
RA.93206010 Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 1000 ml
RA.93206011 Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 2000 ml
RA.93206012 Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 3000 ml
RA.93206013 Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 5000 ml

Đánh giá sản phẩm

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Cốc thủy tinh chứa mẫu Duran

Hotline: 0986.817.366 Mr.Việt
