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Cốc đốt thấp thành Rasotherm (Glass beaker)
HSX: Rasotherm/Đức
Thể tích cốc từ 5m - 500ml
Hotline: 0986.817.366 Mr.Việt
Cốc đốt thấp thành beaker) Rasotherm
Xuất xứ: Đức
Cốc thủy tinh, có mỏ rót, từ 5ml đến 5000ml.
Vật liệu: Thủy tinh Borosilicate 3.3
Chịu nhiệt cao & hóa chất tốt.
Dùng trong phòng thí nghiệm, đựng mẫu, hóa chất,...
Thông tin đặt hàng
RA.93206003 | Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 25 ml |
RA.93206004 | Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 50 ml |
RA.93206005 | Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 100 ml |
RA.93206006 | Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 150 ml |
RA.93206007 | Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 250 ml |
RA.93206008 | Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 400 ml |
RA.93206009 | Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 600 ml |
RA.93206010 | Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 1000 ml |
RA.93206011 | Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 2000 ml |
RA.93206012 | Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 3000 ml |
RA.93206013 | Beaker, low form with graduation and spout, 5000 ml |
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