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Điện cực Unitrode with Pt1000 Metrohm 6.0258.010

(1 đánh giá)


Metrohm Thụy Sỹ

HSX: Metrohm Thụy Sỹ 

PN: 6.0258.010

Unitrode with Pt1000 (fixed cable 1.2 m, 2 mm)

Hotline: 0986.817.366 Mr.Việt

Điện Cực Unitrode with Pt1000 (fixed cable 1.2 m, 2 mm)

Unitrode with Pt1000 (fixed cable 1.2 m, 2 mm)

Order number: 6.0258.010

Combined pH electrode with integrated Pt1000 temperature sensor and fixed cable (1.2 m, diameter banana plug 2 mm). This electrode is particularly suitable

for pH measurements and titrations in difficult, viscous, or alkaline samples
at elevated temperatures
for long-term measurements
The fixed ground-joint diaphragm is insensitive to contamination.

Reference electrolyte: c(KCl) = 3 mol/L, storage in storage solution.
Alternatively: reference electrolyte for measurements at T>80°C: Idrolyte, storage in Idrolyte.

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