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Mecmesin TSCC Torque screwdriver check calibrator
Anh Quốc
12 tháng
NSX: Mecmesin / Anh
Model: TSCC
Hotline: 0986.817.366 Mr.Việt
Mecmesin TSCC Torque screwdriver check calibrator
HSX: Mecmesin - Anh Quốc (PPT Group)
Model: TSCC
TSCC Thiết bị hiệu chuẩn lực quay tua-vít
The TSCC is a semi-automated test system for checking the calibration of pre-set and adjustable torque-limiting screwdrivers, up to 10 N.m
With pre-programmed tests and one-touch operation the TSCC eliminates inconsistencies in results and repetitive strain injury for operators, which is often associated with manual testing.
Cảm biến lực momen xoắn:
The ITC range of interchangeable torque sensors is specially adapted for the Vortex-i and -xt test systems. Plug and play for automatic calibration and available in 5 different capacities for all requirements, from 0 - 0.3 N.m (0 - 2.7 lbf.in) to 0 - 10 N.m ( 0 - 90 lbf.in).
Độ chính xác: ±0.5% of full scale
Độ phân giải: 1:6500
Đơn vị đo: mN.m, N.cm, N.m, kgf.cm, gf.cm, ozf.in, lbf.in, lbf.ft
Góc quay: 2,440 revs
Tốc độ: 0.1 - 20 rev/min (clockwise or counter-clockwise); ±1% of indicated speed
Điện áp: 220V 50Hz.
Liên hệ: Mr. Việt - 0986817366
Email: viet.hoay@gmail.com
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